Episode 3 – Ducks and Hairy Knuckled Chucks

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It’s another classic episode of 372 Pages We’ll Never Get Back!

We’ll guess whether passages came from RP1 Fan Fiction or the novel itself, break down our hero’s obsession with the definitely-a-sexy-lady Art3mis, guess what’s in James Halliday’s bedroom, and check in with Edgar Nash: Gunter Expert! Then we’ll read some listener mail and nominate the Dumb Sentence of the Week.

This episode covers chapters 9 thru 13 of Ready Player One. For next time, read thru chapter 18, page 189 in our edition.

This is a book club, so get in touch!  We’re on twitter and facebook, our personal twitters are @clastowka and @michaeljnelson or send us an email 372pages@gmail.com

5 Replies to “Episode 3 – Ducks and Hairy Knuckled Chucks”

  1. I take exception to the comment about the two of you not being in the target audience. I was born in 1970, so I remember most of the 70s and all of 80s very, very well. This book is wishful thinking about a culture that didn’t exist. Sure, there were gaming geeks who pretty much lived for their RP or video games, but for most of us, we played Atari or Intellivision an hour a day after school, and spent a dollar in the arcade at the mall when our parents dropped us off, but that was it. Of course, being female means I’m not in the target audience for this book either, despite falling squarely into the correct age group and having always been considered a bit of a nerd.

  2. Eyo guys, it’s me again! Way late to this, but this is what I was referring to:


    I might have worded my phrasing a bit sloppily, but what I was saying was that anything that appears multiple times in pop culture, this website catalogs as a trope, and people that frequent this website are often pop-culture obsessed (much like the author) and are likely to adapt its terminology into their lexicon.

    He keeps using as a descriptor–I’m guessing–because he probably frequents the site.

    1. Cheshire grin vastly predates TVTropes, dictionary.com states that “The ultimate origin of this expression, appearing in print since the late 1700s, is disputed, but its most famous exponent was Lewis Carroll, in whose Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland the grinning cat gradually vanished from view, with its grin the last part to vanish.”

  3. The reason I am listening to this without reading the book is because, as a teacher, I can’t afford to lose more brain cells than I do already. Also because I am enjoying the ride lol!

    Also, sorry this is SO late in the game.

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